The dorky guy at work I have a crush on was suddenly cool and suave and gave me his number and we started going out but then he turned into my ex boyfriend
This dream may symbolize some aspects of your desires, insecurities, and unresolved emotions regarding relationships and past experiences. The dorky guy at work represents someone you find attractive and may also symbolize a sense of familiarity or comfort. His sudden transformation into being cool and suave likely reflects your longing for this person to live up to your idealized version of them.
Receiving his number and going out in the dream may signify your desire for a romantic connection with this person. It suggests a positive interaction during the dream, highlighting your wish fulfillment. However, the sudden transition to your ex-boyfriend indicates that there may be lingering unresolved feelings or unresolved issues from your previous relationship.
This dream could be a reflection of your inner conflict between seeking something new and exciting versus potentially repeating past patterns and experiencing familiar challenges. It may be beneficial to reflect on your feelings and experiences in both your current crush and your past relationship to gain insight into what you truly desire and what you may need to address or let go of in order to move forward in your romantic life.